The Haitian operation made an impressive$ 86-million profit on revenue of$ 439 million in 2012. 海地的Digicel公司去年营收入达4.39亿美元,利润达到了惊人的8600万美元。
Prosecutors said the operation promised investors guaranteed monthly checks from advertising revenue on traveling billboards. 诉讼人称,杨某的公司曾许诺公司的投资者,他们将从广告收入中获得每月分红。
In the first two years of operation, Lemkin says, most companies have too little revenue and too small of a customer base to accurately predict behavior. 莱姆金说,在运营的头两年,大多数公司的收入和客户群都非常羸弱,进而无法准确预测客户行为。
The income statement is a financial statement that summarizes the results of a company's operation by matching revenue and related expenses for a particular accounting period. 利润表是汇总通过配比一定会计期间的收入与费用来反映企业在该时期的经营成果的财务报表。
Internal control is very important for building and perfecting internal scientific management system, especially the building of modern enterprise system, which is significant for enterprise operation revenue, efficiency and effect. 内部控制是建立健全企业内部科学管理制度,尤其是建立现代企业制度必不可少的重要内容,对企业经营效益、效率和效果至关重要。
Financial statistics report was made according to its investing scale, operation cost and revenue. 通过计算C网三期建设项目投资规模、运营收入成本,编制财务报表。
It elaborates the content and method relating follow-up auditing from the stage of division, implementation, completion and check acceptance, trial operation and financial revenue and expenditure and three points for attention. 文章分别就建设项目决策阶段、实施阶段、竣工验收阶段、试运行阶段、建设单位财务收支等方面的跟踪审计内容和方法进行了阐述,并提出了跟踪审计应注意的三个问题。
Choice Among Ideas for Reforms During the Replacement of Old System by the New& Considerations on the models of econmic operation and reforms in finance and revenue 新旧体制转换中改革思路的选择&关于经济运行模式与财政税收改革的若干思考
Establishment Evaluation System of Operation Revenue Internal Control of Jilin Telecommunications Corporation 吉林联通公司经营收入内部控制评价体系的构建
Income is not only the main goal of the enterprise operation but also the revenue base. 获取收益是企业经营的主要目的之一,也是国家税收的基础。传统会计学派认为,收益作为企业业绩的综合计量指标,受到企业外部利益关系者的极大关注,收益表是企业会计最重要的产品。
At the mean time, related transaction can reduce transaction cost, optimize resource allocation, facilitate economies of scale, increase operation efficiency, enhance market competition and maximize revenue; 同时,关联交易具有降低交易成本、优化资源配置、促进规模经营、提高运营效率、加强市场竞争和实现公司利润最大化的功能,因而在实践中得到广泛运用。
With social progress and development of technology, E-commerce develops rapidly, corresponding revenue system need reform to adapt normal operation of E-commerce and prevent loss of tax revenue. 随着社会进步和技术发展,电子商务迅速发展,与之对应的税收制度的改革急需加快。以适应电子商务的正常运作,从而防止税收流失。
The financial risks they bring can be generalized as: cost risks, legal risks, credit risks, behavior risks, operation risks, revenue risks, and etc. 由逆向选择和道德风险所带来的委托理财的风险表现为:成本风险、法律风险、信用风险、行为风险、经营风险、收益风险等。
The choices involve many considerations on restriction on projects except of the technological and economic feasibility ( such as limited capital, the latest time of going into operation, tax revenue hedge enclose policy, minimum compulsory work etc). 对于非互斥方案的选择除受技术、经济等的可行性约束外还受自身条件(如资金限制)、合同条款规定(如最迟开工时间、最低义务工作量、税收篱笆圈政策)等多种因素影响。
For the company adopting the selective assembly method, design and control of the production system will have an impact on the deployment of the resources, operation efficiency and the total revenue. 对于采用分组装配法的企业,其生产装配系统的规划设计和运行控制将影响到资源的合理配置、企业生产效率以及整体经济效益。
With the development of telecommunication technology, the extensive operation mode, which increase of revenue depends on the quantity of consumers, could not reach the requirement of the competitions in customer-driven market and the demands of information society. 经过多年的飞速发展,如今通信行业单纯依靠扩大用户规模拉动收入增长的粗放型经营模式,已无法适应用户需求导向的市场竞争环境的变化和建设信息化社会的要求。
There exists a large mount of human resource cost instead of human expenditure, for example, the cost of application and training, which accounts for 0.97% of the operation revenue of the hospital. 医院除人员支出以外还存在较大的卫生人力资源成本,不完全测量的招聘和培训费用占业务收入的0.96%;
Chapter two mainly introduces the background of BCT and the operation condition of which, it also raises the revenue instability and other management problem of the company BCT that is what the dissertation needs to study and solve. 第二章是对BCT公司和经营状况的简介,引出论文需要解决的BCT公司营收不稳定的问题。
The traditional hotel operations research is limited to a one-sided management of the hotel industry research lack of awareness of the global 、 dynamic In market forecasts, hotel financing 、 capital operation, cost control, revenue management systems. 传统的酒店运营研究仅限于对酒店业片面的管理研究,对市场预测、酒店筹资、资本运作、成本控制、收益管理等系统缺少全局、动态的认识。
In the operation of real market, the revenue of stock market, fluctuation ratio, supply of money, and consumer pricing index can also cause the market risk and influence the price of the bond. 在市场运行过程中,股票市场收益、波动率、货币供应量、居民消费价格水平指数(CPI)等也会诱发市场风险,进而影响债券价格。
Both stress the ways in which the interests of the community to share more, in essence, is a kind of institutional arrangements established under the management and operation of tourism revenue generated by claims of concern. 无论强调通过何种方式使社区分享到更多的利益,实质上都是一种对在既定的制度安排下管理、经营旅游资源所产生收益的索取权的关注。
Revenue assurance is a recent hot topic in the field of telecom operation. Telecom operators are deploying a lot of work related to revenue assurance, which include the construction of revenue assurance systems. 收入保障是近些年电信运营领域的热门话题,成熟的电信运营商均在开展收入保障相关工作,其中包括收入保障系统的建设。
Under the situation of increasing competition and ARPU decrease, Mobile Communication Companies have to turn from unitary business to multiple businesses operation and try to look for new business to increase competitiveness and revenue. 在日益激烈的市场竞争和用户收入(ARPU)下降的紧迫形势下,各移动通信公司不得不从单一业务经营转向多业务经营,努力寻找能提高竞争力和收入的新业务。
Through cross-border energy cooperation, overseas investment in power, such as international procurement platform of international business development, State Grid will be the accumulation of experience in the operation of international capital, increase revenue, such as international business has made great progress. 通过跨国能源合作、海外电力投资、国际采购平台等国际化业务的开拓,国家电网将在积累国际资本运作经验,增加国际业务收入等方面取得长足进步。
It is found that influential factors of project finance sustainable development are mainly from operation revenue risk, investment adding risk, operation cost increasing risk, period delay risk. 指出影响项目财务可持续发展的风险因素主要来自运营收入风险、投资增加风险、运营成本增加风险、工期延长风险等方面。
IMC-YY is a joint venture new ship repair yard which put into operation in 2006; Sales revenue was growth more than 100% per year from 2006 to 2008. IMC-YY是一家中外合资的修船新企业,2006年建成投产,销售产值以每年超过100%的增长速度发展。
After the collective economic organizations focus on land, unity of operation and management will have an access to part of land revenue as a share after the day to day living expenses, other part of the pension protection fund to pay the rural old-age insurance for farmers. 集体经济组织将集中后的土地,统一运营管理,获取的土地收益一部分作为股权分红作为日常生活开支,一部分作为养老保险金为农民缴纳农村养老保险。
Only taking strict processing management in the metro network operation, can the aims of "orderly operation, increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, safe and comfortable, passengers 'satisfaction" be reached. And then it can comprehensively enhance the profitability of Nanjing Metro. 只有在地铁网络化运营中采取严格的流程式管理才可以达到运营有序,增收节支,安全舒适,乘客满意的目标,才能全面提升南京地铁的盈利能力。
Accurate demand data can assist airlines to make scientific development strategy, avoid blindness of opening new airline, lower operation costs and improve revenue. 准确的需求数据可以辅助航空公司制订科学的经营战略,避免航线开辟和运营的盲目性,降低经营成本,提升效益。